Monday, July 27, 2009

当初成立这个Blog的时候,众所周知它是外挂在我的主页(Gundam Hobby)里的附属Blog,但经过了一段长时间之后,因为工作忙碌而无法同时照顾两个Blog,在不得已的情况下而做出了这个决定,就是以后的所有有关钓鱼和遥控车的一却新资讯都会把它们全部同时放在我的主页里去,以方便日后的铺排工作,如有不便敬请见谅,所有的新资讯将被铺排到主页,详情请浏览:(

When the first time I created the blog, everyone knows my main titles for my blog will be for Gundam Hobby and Fishing & RC, after sometime I was quite busy with my works and can’t really have time to update 2 blogs and I have no choice that I have decided to combine my fishing & RC blogs into the Gundam Hobby Blog. All my new update will be only at one blog now at: ( )
Sorry for the inconvenience cause and thank you for your support.

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
